EJB-QL Syntax
Resin 3.0

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EJB 3.0

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EJB Config
EJB-QL Syntax
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EJB Config
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  1. Index
  2. Query Sections
    1. Expressions

      ?nA find or select method argument
      FROMSpecifies the query's schema and variables
      IS [NOT] NULLTests for a null value
      LIMITFor a collection-valued query, limits the number of items returned
      NOT exprBoolean not expression
      OFFSETFor a collection-valued query, returns items starting from the offset value
      ORDER BYSorts the returned values
      SELECTSpecifies the query's values
      WHERERestricts the selected values to those matching a boolean expression
      bean-expr . cmp-fieldSelects a field value from an entity bean
      bean-expr . cmr-fieldSelects relation bean from an entity bean
      expr + exprArithmetic expressions
      expr = exprComparison expressions
      expr AND exprBoolean and expression
      expr OR exprBoolean or expression
      fun_name(expr, ...)Applies a function to the expression arguments

      SELECT expr
      FROM schema AS var, IN(path) AS var1, ...
      [WHERE expr]
      [ORDER BY expr]
      [OFFSET integer]
      [LIMIT integer]

      The WHERE and ORDER BY clauses are optional.

      Query Sections


      Specifies the query's values.



      Specifies the query's schema and variables.

      FROM schema AS var, IN(path) AS var1, ...


      Restricts the selected values to those matching a boolean expression.

      WHERE boolean-expr

      ORDER BY

      Resin-CMP 1.0

      Sorts the returned values. The sorts the results of a query by an expression. Because the database sorts the results, ORDER BY can often be more efficient than sorting in Java in addition to being clearer.

      The ORDER BY expression may use a string argument, like ?3. This allows the ORDER BY field to be selected by the argument.

      ORDER BY? expr


      Resin-CMP 2.1.1

      For a collection-valued query, returns items starting from the offset value. Only integer constants and integer arguments like ?3 are allowed.

      OFFSET is generally used in combination with LIMIT to select a slice of a large database query.

      Depending on the database, this may require an ORDER BY to make the results consistent. Unless you specify ORDER BY, databases are allowed to return query results in any order. So using OFFSET without ORDER BY name return different results even when called with the same query.

      SELECT o FROM items o ORDER BY o.id OFFSET ?1 LIMIT ?2


      Resin-CMP 2.1.1

      For a collection-valued query, limits the number of items returned. Only integer constants and integer arguments like ?3 are allowed.

      LIMIT is generally used with OFFSET to handle large database queries which may have multiple return pages.

      Depending on the database, LIMIT may require an ORDER BY to make the results consistent. Unless you specify ORDER BY, databases are allowed to return query results in any order. So using OFFSET without ORDER BY name return different results even when called with the same query.

      SELECT o FROM items o ORDER BY o.id OFFSET ?1 LIMIT ?2


      bean-expr . cmp-field

      Selects a field value from an entity bean. The type of the expression is the type of the cmp-field.

      SELECT c
      FROM courses c
      WHERE c.room = 'Leaky Dungeon'

      bean-expr . cmr-field

      Selects relation bean from an entity bean. The type of the expression is the bean result. Because the value of the expression is an entity bean, the expression can be used in a further path expression.

      SELECT c
      FROM courses c
      WHERE c.teacher.name = 'Severus Snape'


      A find or select method argument. The value of the argument is inserted into the expression. The count is 1-based, so a method with a single argument will use ?1. The type of the expression is the type of the method argument.

      SELECT c
      FROM courses c
      WHERE c.room = ?1

      expr + expr

      Arithmetic expressions. Adds, subtracts, multiplies or divides two expressions, returning a numeric expression. The sub-expressions must have numeric values.


      expr = expr

      Comparison expressions. Compares two expressions, returning a boolean expression. The two expressions for an equality comparison must have compatible types. The expressions for less-than comparison must have numeric values.

      <>Not equals
      <=Less-than or equal to
      >=Greater-than or equal to

      SELECT c
      FROM courses c
      WHERE c.students < 20

      IS [NOT] NULL

      Tests for a null value. IS NULL can be used both for SQL null values and for null relation values.

      The following example shows the case where c.teacher is a relation to a Teacher object. It will select courses with no assigned teacher.

      SELECT c
      FROM courses c
      WHERE c.teacher IS NULL

      expr AND expr

      Boolean and expression. Evaluates to true if both expressions are true. Both expressions must be boolean and the result is a boolean.

      expr OR expr

      Boolean or expression. Evaluates to true if either expression is true. Both expressions must be boolean and the result is a boolean.

      NOT expr

      Boolean not expression. The expression and the result are boolean expressions.

      fun_name(expr, ...)

      Applies a function to the expression arguments. Resin-CMP will allow the functions defined in the JDBC 2.0 spec, but the EJB-QL spec only defines the following functions:

      CONCAT(string, string)Contatenates two strings
      SUBSTRING(string, start, len)Selects a substring
      LOCATE(string, start [, start])Finds a substring
      LENGTH(string)Returns the string length
      ABS(number)Returns the absolute value
      SQRT(double)Returns the square root of a number

      Additional functions can be added using the query-function tag in the resin-ejb configuration file.

      The following functions are known to Resin-CMP:

      int abs(int)
      double abs(double)
      double acos(double)
      double sin(double)
      double atan(double)
      double cos(double)
      double cot(double)
      double degrees(double)
      double exp(double)
      double log(double)
      double log10(double)
      double radians(double)
      double sin(double)
      double sqrt(double)
      double tan(double)
      int ceiling(double)
      int floor(double)
      int sign(double)
      double atan2(double, double)
      double power(double, double)
      double round(double, double)
      double truncate(double, double)
      int mod()
      int rand()
      int count(any)
      double min(double)
      double max(double)
      int ascii(String)
      int length(String)
      String char(int)
      String space(int)
      String concat(String, String)
      int difference(String, String)
      String insert(String, int, int, String)
      String lcase(String)
      String ltrim(String)
      String rtrim(String)
      String ucase(String)
      String soundex(String)
      String left(String, int)
      String repeat(String, int)
      String right(String, int)
      String locate(String, int)
      String locate(String, int, int)
      String replace()
      String substring(String, int, int)
      String database()
      String user()
      Date curdate()
      Date curtime()
      Date now()
      String dayname(Date)
      String monthname(Date)
      int dayofmonth(Date)
      int dayofweek(Date)
      int dayofyear(Date)
      int hour(Date)
      int minute(Date)
      int month(Date)
      int quarter(Date)
      int second(Date)
      int week(Date)
      int year(Date)
      Date timestampadd(Date, Date)
      Date timestampdiff(Date, Date)

      EJB Config
      Xdoclet tags
      Copyright © 1998-2005 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
      Resin® is a registered trademark, and HardCoretm and Quercustm are trademarks of Caucho Technology, Inc.